
$50 [+shipping] : Ink on paper : 8 x 11.5 inches :

When making Enso over time one learns to accept what happens in the process of making a simple circle.  The technique of an Enso is not necessarily in its execution but in its observation, the skill resides in the viewer.  If the viewer is the artist trying to come to grips with the imperfections of their efforts then they must learn to let go and accept things as they are.  If the viewer is a casual observer trying to find meaning in something then they must learn to look carefully and not assume that deliberate information is the only information where meaning resides

One way to approach an Enso, an artwork or life in general is through the doorway of play.  This door is always open and is the most unassuming and meaningful entry into the mysterious or unknown.  Humans and animals naturally play as children because it is the best way to learn (selected by eons of natural selection).  Play keeps the mind at ease so that it doesn't interfere with an animal learning something it may otherwise be averse to trying if its mind interfered.  Play embraces creativity, curiosity and adventure.  Most importantly play enlists the imagination and quickly develops into positive commitment towards an activity.  All of this leads to the most efficient knowledge acquisition mechanism we can initiate and yet somehow we forget to use it and need a good reminder.

Be well


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02 Sep 2013


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