
$100 [+shipping] : Oil on panel : 8 x 8 inches :

This was another painting started from life and finished from a photograph.  I generally prefer to work from life but Im experimenting since the main objective is to make a quality painting so I don't want to limit my options to do that.  At the same time though I find the limitation of only working from life can also be a good thing for a work.  So its a toss up and I haven't found a perfect solution yet (I guess when I do I should move on to other pursuits).

I discovered with finishing this painting that I could pull out colors and shifts in the photo to satisfy the things that nature usually provides more readily when painting from life.  For instance I found a really fun shift in the highlight on the lower right portion of the blue fabric that was some strange light tonal change in the shadow area.  This actually was one of the final touches to the painting since adding this shift completed it in my eyes.

Be well


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07 Aug 2013


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