
$100 [+shipping] : Oil on panel : 8 x 8 inches :

I had e most fun with the background on this painting and thats saying a lot because I really loved painting the gourd too.  The background however was kind of an eye opener.  It really helped me to actually get a grip on paint handling which I was having trouble with lately especially with the landscapes I have been doing.  Since the background for this was all blue fabric it lended itself to experimenting in order to unflatten that space and make it more interesting.

Basically I started scrubbing the brush across the panel in very odd directions.  I was holding the brush almost directly parallel and against the panel because the angle was so extreme.  It really loosened me up and was quite fun compared to the controlled approach I was using prior with the brush about perpendicular to the panel.  Ive learned quite a bit more since applying this approach to recent tree paintings but Ill comment on that when I post those.  One thing always leads to another and this painting led to some groovy stuff.

Be well


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12 Aug 2013


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