
$50 [+shipping] : Ink on paper : 8 x 11.5 inches :

One of the choices made when creating Enso that is crucial to its final form is the brush.  There are brushes specifically for ink and calligraphy and then there are other kinds of brushes.  I like to experiment with other kinds of brushes but most of all I like to use old used calligraphy brushes.  I find its very nice to know that by not cleaning a brush it actually becomes more useful.  This is something that doesn't usually apply to everyday activities, when you don't clean something it usually becomes less useful.  Its even a nice change from oil painting where the brushes become completely unusable if they are not cleaned soon after painting.

With this particular painting it is a little more clear how an old worn brush can be more interesting.  When a brush gets old, worn or dirty the bristols and hairs begin to have a life of their own.  They stop conforming to the overall shape of the brush and sometimes split the brush into several shapes.  These stray hairs pick up the ink like all the others but when it hits paper they go off on their own journey.  Sometimes they appear at the beginning of the stroke and other times they appear in the middle or end when the brush gets drier after dropping off most of the ink.  The best part is you don't know exactly what those stray hairs or clumps of hairs are going to do, its a microcosm of life; you just have to try and accept what occurs.

Be well


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05 Sep 2013
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