
$50 [+shipping] : Ink on paper : 8 x 11.5 inches :

In the previous Enso I talked about the importance of noticing the subtleties of the ink and the brush.  This holds the key to entering into the entire Enso; it is the subtle differences from one Enso to any other that really provide a universe of information to sit with while viewing them.  As Enso are meditations for the creator and the viewer it is important to spend time considering very nuanced aspects of what is on the paper.  What has been deposited?  What aspects of the materials have been left behind and how do the differences in material choices impact the resulting Enso?  What aspects of the artist have been recorded in the application of the materials?

Those are some of the basic questions that can be contemplated while viewing an Enso.  For this particular Enso some other potential questions can be as follows.  What is the significance of the word "mole"?  To which meaning of the word does it refer?  How did the artist want the word to relate to the Enso?

I would be delighted to hear any thoughts, conclusions or answers in the comments section.

Be well


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21 Aug 2013


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